Powers & Functions


The Turks and Caicos Islands Human Rights Commission possesses the power to, and plays a vital role in shaping policies and services in alignment with domestic and international human rights laws. Through the TCI government’s endorsement of six key international treaties, the Commission is authorized to fulfil this significant role.

Our primary objective is to empower Turks and Caicos Islanders to fully and actively participate in decisions concerning their human rights. This is achieved partially through publishing articles on current issues with human rights infractions or potential implications, thereby raising public awareness and encouraging engagement. The Commission also advocates for the integration of human rights into all laws and practices within Turks and Caicos to ensure fundamental human rights are safeguarded for everyone within these islands.

Regular inspections of detention facilities, such as His Majesty’s Prison on Grand Turk, and police stations across the islands are conducted by the Commission to ensure compliance with human rights standards. Additionally, reports containing recommendations for various entities are generated. Beginning in the new financial year 2024–25, the Commission will prepare and submit a semi-annual statement report for the governor’s review. This report will outline the Commission’s adherence levels and collaborate with government entities to improve enforcement.

The Commission is committed to upholding human rights standards through all of the TCI. In unison with our partners, both regional and global, our aim is to create a culture that respects and protects fundamental human rights for all.